10 November 2017

Lazy Girl's Skincare

Sarah Chapman Skinesis Overnight Facial, Alpha H Liquid Gold, Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask

Don't get me wrong, I love a good long skincare routine. Nothing screams pampering more than spending time over my skin. But let's be real, most of the time, I want to get it over with. I want products that are fast and require as little effort as possible. If that sounds like you, read on to find out which products I turn to on those days. Which is basically everyday...

Sarah Chapman Skinesis Overnight Facial:

I use this way more than I probably should. It's designed to be a facial oil and serum in one. You use it after cleansing in replace of all those other products. The texture is like a thick oil, but not in a heavy greasy way. It sinks in so quickly and leaves the skin looking really radiant.

Sarah Chapman Skinesis Overnight Facial

Alpha H Liquid Gold:

This is probably the lowest maintenance product in this post. And yet the results are incredible. It's a highly concentrated glycolic acid solution that exfoliates the skin. You cleanse and the swipe this on using a cotton pad. No massaging the skin or rubbing anything in. Having not used it in a couple of months, I can confirm that my skin looked so much better when this was a regular in my routine.

Alpha H Liquid Gold

Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask:

I often just slap this overnight mask on if I can't be bothered with anything else. It's incredibly hydrating and when my skin is feeling a little all over the place, this sorts it out. It's got a delicious fruity scent and I always have a tube in my cupboard. You don't really need a serum with it either, though I do tend to use one out of habit. It's the easiest way to hydrate your skin quickly, with very little effort.

Origins Drink Up Overnight Intensive Mask

So those are my favourite lazy day skincare products. Even if you're not after anything particularly low maintenance, I highly recommend giving these a go!

What's your favourite lazy day skincare product? 



  1. The Origins mask is like a tube of magic! I wouldn't be without it, especially now it's getting colder and my skin is getting more dry patches.
    Really do need to try the Liquid Gold, been eyeing it for a while now xxx

    Rhi | www.rinkydinkyrhi.com

    1. I know, it's so incredible, especially during winter. Liquid Gold will do wonders if you suffer from dry skin!

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